Pascal Samsoon - Random Tho...

Ex-Consultant turned Startup Entrepreneur (3x). U of Nottingham Graduate.

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5 Cool Stuffs to do before 2014

Set Inspiring Goals for 2014

Forget New Year resolutions. Write yourself some inspiring goals for Twenty-Fourteen (20-14).


“I will have run 2014 km in 12 months in 2014.”

“I will aim to achieve a net profit of about $3 million for my company”

“I will have reconnected with 20 of my university friends by the end of 2014”

Reframe Failures and Inachievements

Take time to look back and think about what you’ve learnt from things which you didn’t achieve or didn’t go exactly the way they should have. From what

“Failures are finger posts on the road to achievement.” - C.S Lewis

Take 1 day to celebrate 2013

Looking back, you have probably been victorious at one or many times during the past year. Take a day to reward yourself different. It is 24 hours out of 8760. Do something different.

Resolutions No

Resolutions sucks. It involves doing less of what you like. That’s...

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3 Reasons Why I Keep Supporting AngelHack…

There has been a major social media gaffe by the co-founder of AngelHack, Gregory Gopman, on his Facebook account about homeless people in San Francisco. The ex-CEO of AngelHack, who stepped down as CEO last October, has been “shot” down by numerous organizations, mainly the media, for his careless mistake.

My 2 cents,

  1. AngelHack’s mission and values don’t reflect the ex-CEO’s point of views.

In itself, anyone could interpret anything through their own lens, it should not be generalize.

  1. The team behind AngelHack now has so far proven to be the exact opposite of what was said in the social media.

An example: The client with whom AngelHack is working, focuses on societal and environmental good.

  1. The new CEO aspires a whole new generation to be entrepreneurs (in her case, technopreneurs). From her personal story, she understands what it is to grow up without all the privileges...

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AIESEC (Part 2 of 12) - The Confession

What AIESEC (in University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus) used to be


On a conceptual level, AIESEC in UNMC started off like a startup. We had main founder and two co-founders, according to my understanding at that time. Anyone who came afterwards would have been the first members.

Without the founders, AIESEC in UNMC would never have existed until at least 2015. Big Thank You guys.

Within the first members, some stayed longer. I called them the “pivot zero” and I was one of them. Our role was no different from others, but we simply happened to be in the middle and destiny placed us in such position to keep AIESEC in UNMC rolling.

Something different

Every 2 generations of AIESEC in UNMC will see “foundation zero” members popping up. They come and go. Some are already who meant to be, some are made along the way. For this reason, “pivot zero” members are the essence...

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8 hours without electricity and how I spent the hours

I live on an island, pretty remote from the rest of the world

Internet is my gate to the world

Yesterday, I spent the entire day without internet due to an 8 hours temporary power cut. It was most likely an unforeseen event for the utility company and a not so good news for me.

Yet, I took advantage of it.

Hour 1


From push-ups to squats and quick sprint up the staircases. In total, I spent 45 min with 5 minutes break in between the push-ups and staircase sprints.

It was damn tiring.

Hour 2


or something close to it.

Sat on my balcony and watched the blue sky. Listened to the birds and the sound of the wind blowing. I almost felt asleep at some point in time but I managed not to do so.

The most refreshing post-exercise exercise I ever did.

Hour 3


I felt asleep on the armchair on my balcony.

I woke up after half an hour and washed my face. It...

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The island (Part 2 of 2)


Joined the Global Shapers Community, an initiative under the World Economic Forum

Being in Mauritius, the only “Hub” is the Port-Louis Hub and the “shapers” are truly interesting - partly due to the people diversity and partly due to their individual and diverging interest(s) to contribute to the Mauritian Society/World.


Life is a series of experiments.

I advocate & practice

  • Trial and Error as a key tool for (Self) improvement.
  • No answer is 101% reliable.
  • Remain unattached to outcome.
  • Test a lot by changing the variables.

What Matters Now

  • Do things to which I am most connected to/connected with.
  • Identify who are the key persons in my life outside of family
  • Create Impactful Moments.

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Live abroad and start your startup at home

Foreign-educated founders have a window into another world. They see what their country could be, they see what is behind, and what is ahead.

Two of my favourite examples are,
Jack Ma, founder of Alibaba, was first inspired by his trip to the United States where he was introduced and amazed by the power of the internet. This was well before 2000.
Gary Wang, co-founder of Tudou, studied in the United States. Tudou is a chinese video sharing company which was founder in 2005, a little bit before Youtube.

And I’m sure there are plenty more out there to showcase.

* 3 benefits of living (&Studying) Abroad from my perspective*

  • Exposure
    Living abroad, I was exposed to new technologies, entrepreneurial ecosystem and people with open mindset.

  • Self-Reflection
    I had time, a lot of time. I was involved in various clubs and societies. I attended multiple events. I met people, all the time.


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AIESEC (Part 1 of 12) - The Confession

Why I joined AIESEC

I was introduced to AIESEC as a global organization, present all over the world. The main highlight has been the Management Internship, which is a Paid Internship for a certain period of time, in another country.

And in fact, I joined AIESEC because I wanted to go for the Management Traineeship.

What AIESEC (in University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus) used to be?

AIESEC in my university widely known as “AIESEC in UNMC”, is similar to a startup structure. There was a founder who got two friends of his to join the adventure as co-founders (or founding members).

It was an organized mess. Everything was unclear, unknown and uncertain.

Stay Tune for a whole post about it

What was the fundamental shift?

Unfortunately, I’m in no position of providing the most accurate answer. There are four reasons for me to say so:

  1. I am biased.
  2. It would require bringing...

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3 Things That I Like About Svbtle


It has a minimalistic user interface. Anyone can rapidly pick up how to use Svbtle. It shows what is essential.


It allows me to publish WHEN I want. I love scheduling as it allows me to focus on deadline and getting things written up before it is automatically published.


It is FREE.

4 [Bonus]

It allows me to UNpublish. This doesn’t really come super handy. It does, however, help me to re-assess what I wrote. And think backward in my thinking and writing process.

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The Island (Part 1 of 2)


It has been almost a month since my return to the island, known as Mauritius, a tiny dot in the middle of the Indian Ocean. After four years living away from Home, physical changes are the only change that I could notice. To my disappointment, the Mauritian society is still the same or perhaps, I had an overly positive & high expectations of how different the society would be.


Yes. As the above header suggests, I am frustrated to the point that I felt estrange in my own home country where I have spent 20 years of my life. Seeing and feeling the same mindset among the fellow country-mates gives me a sense of hopelessness .


Yes. There is hope. I believe that Mauritius can evolve and that despite being secluded from the rest of the world, we have the inner potential to be different, to be much better than what we currently are and each and every Mauritian...

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