AIESEC (Part 2 of 12) - The Confession

What AIESEC (in University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus) used to be? #

Background #

On a conceptual level, AIESEC in UNMC started off like a startup. We had main founder and two co-founders, according to my understanding at that time. Anyone who came afterwards would have been the first members.

Without the founders, AIESEC in UNMC would never have existed until at least 2015. Big Thank You guys.

Within the first members, some stayed longer. I called them the “pivot zero” and I was one of them. Our role was no different from others, but we simply happened to be in the middle and destiny placed us in such position to keep AIESEC in UNMC rolling.

Something different #

Every 2 generations of AIESEC in UNMC will see “foundation zero” members popping up. They come and go. Some are already who meant to be, some are made along the way. For this reason, “pivot zero” members are the essence of the continuation of AIESEC in UNMC. They are as equally important as any team leader and some don’t need any title.

On Mess #

AIESEC in UNMC, unlike a startup, has TOO many structures/cells.

  1. There’s hierarchy - No flat management.
  2. Too many titles - Thanks god, this seem to be changing.
  3. Too many complicated forms - I think its time to evolve.

During its very early days, AIESEC in UNMC has been one of the most politically drenched student organization that we could find on campus. It was truly divided and there was a lack of confidence and trust. A lack of fairness to some extent - demonstrated through favouritism.

As I am writing this, I would not know the state of the current AIESEC in UNMC / I choose to believe they are doing GREAT!


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