5 Cool Stuffs to do before 2014

Set Inspiring Goals for 2014 #

Forget New Year resolutions. Write yourself some inspiring goals for Twenty-Fourteen (20-14).


“I will have run 2014 km in 12 months in 2014.”

“I will aim to achieve a net profit of about $3 million for my company”

“I will have reconnected with 20 of my university friends by the end of 2014”

Reframe Failures and Inachievements #

Take time to look back and think about what you’ve learnt from things which you didn’t achieve or didn’t go exactly the way they should have. From what

“Failures are finger posts on the road to achievement.” - C.S Lewis

Take 1 day to celebrate 2013 #

Looking back, you have probably been victorious at one or many times during the past year. Take a day to reward yourself different. It is 24 hours out of 8760. Do something different.

Resolutions No #

Resolutions sucks. It involves doing less of what you like. That’s why setting inspiring goals for yourself is much better. It reminds you of what matters.

Send something to someone #

Postcards, flowers, gift vouchers. Anything works. People will definitely appreciate receiving a small gift or reminder from you.

I’ve sent over a dozen postcards to people who hosted me during my trips. Even though its through the slowest method, the handwritten words, the attention and the thoughts are priceless.

Have a Great New Year 2014


Now read this

Save. Travel. Iterate.

This article is a personal sharing of Saving for Travels and then, iterating over & over again. As an avid traveler, I am taking a different steps nowadays, thanks to the economic crisis in Portugal. Below goes the simple article,... Continue →