The Island (Part 1 of 2)

Background #

It has been almost a month since my return to the island, known as Mauritius, a tiny dot in the middle of the Indian Ocean. After four years living away from Home, physical changes are the only change that I could notice. To my disappointment, the Mauritian society is still the same or perhaps, I had an overly positive & high expectations of how different the society would be.

Frustration #

Yes. As the above header suggests, I am frustrated to the point that I felt estrange in my own home country where I have spent 20 years of my life. Seeing and feeling the same mindset among the fellow country-mates gives me a sense of hopelessness .

Hope #

Yes. There is hope. I believe that Mauritius can evolve and that despite being secluded from the rest of the world, we have the inner potential to be different, to be much better than what we currently are and each and every Mauritian could bring change.

Change #

“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” - Mahatma Gandhi

Yes. Change is possible. In my opinion, there are 3 key factors,

  1. Change is Me. I have changed, which I believe is for the best. I am a changemaker
  2. Change is optional. Those who wish to change, will accept change.
  3. Change is the only constant. As opposed to the previous factor, Change will happen whether you like it or not. But choose whether you want it to be in a positive direction or not, will matter.

(This is part of my First Post on Svbtle and I hope many more will follow)
(My Svbtle style will be to limit my writings to 3-5 paragraphs, if possible)


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