A Week of Hustle

Why A Week? #

The Year 2014 started pretty slow which is quite usual for us in Mauritius. Yet, I had been accustomed to busy lifestyle back in Asia, something that I truly love.

I saw opportunities to link some of my personal & professional interests together and the upcoming O-Level and A-Level results happen to be the right moment.

Personal Interest Aligned with Professional Interest - I am into People Development, Strategy and Productivity. The workshop (an pre-outcome) will be about Career Strategy which will fall under Personal Development and Strategy most.

On the 20th January, I started my week of hustle with a meeting in Port-Louis, the capital city.

The aim was simple: The week had been dedicated to create results for the upcoming weeks. And to be honest, had I not hustle from 20th to 26th January, the potential outcomes would not have been possible.

A week of hustle is also a kind of get-away from the normal routine. Pushed me to push myself further and achieve more over a short period of time. (Ok, 7 days might not be short but it was intense!)

How to hustle? #

Or How I did It…

Actually, this is tough to explain. Everyone would have their own definition and style. I chose to fill my week with meetings and alone time to think, write, and re-think further.

Meetings: I tried to kept them as efficient as possible. In addition, the location of each meeting has been strategically chosen to benefit my time management. Choosing a location with proper public transport or convenient shops, help a lot.

Communication: No magic trick here too. KISS for emails, limit social network (Facebook, in my case) to the strict minimum for A/B testing, one on one private chat and status updates on the current work in progress as well as announcing specific information related to the work to be achieved.
And phone calls for quick clarification.

Think Time vs Doing Time: My thinking time is pretty heavy and I believe it took most of my time (I didn’t measure it though, something to consider for the next Week of Hustle) and

What have been the outcomes? #

Secured presentation slots from 8th to 12th February 2014. A minimum of 1 hour presentation per day!

Other goal to be derived from the above outcome: The outreach of my workshop’s presentation should be to 300 young Mauritians.

A great kickstart for future project[s] for youth (un)employment in Mauritius.

And a successful informal networking event.

The Key Lesson
As per what Woody Allen said,

Eighty percent of success is to show up.

And to get it done.


Now read this

My Biggest Business Mistake in 2013

Was to listen to two inexperience and short-sighted young friends of mine. Needless to say that I was inexperienced enough NOT to trust my guts to go ahead and to give up so soon, based on the biased opinions of two friends. Lessons Even... Continue →