From Job Hunter to Recruiter in less than 2 weeks. Here is my secret recipe.

Background Story
The “well-funded startup”, which offered me a job, bailed out on the eve of my departure flight (to the country where they are based). I was jobless, with a small amount of savings, a bit desperate and probably, very hopeless.

Part 1
I reached Malaysia - like a headless chicken - started FB messenging friends and calling people to ask for help. The response was sadly very weak. However those who did, have changed (and saved) my life. (Seriously).

Part 2
I finally found (amazing, young) people to host me, to help me. This has been a great moral booster. I reconnected with a few friends and this again, was wonderful. I reconnected with my university lecturers

Part 3
A few days after my arrival, I got the news: My previous employer whom I resigned from, offered me a new contract. However, I can’t be paid for taxation reason. I was still jobless and without income.

Reconnecting with friends has been a blessing. They offered me advice, we discussed about future plans and we laughed about random stuffs. My friends also came up with their connections to try to help me out to find a job.

The Moment #

Less than two weeks after my arrival, I finally got a job in another “well-funded startup” but the funding comes from a MUCH larger venture capitalist with more successes (and failures).

Dream start.

I now have for mission of making car pooling easier, fun and safer. Tripda is a marketplace that enables car drivers with empty seats to find passengers who are going along the same route. This provides both parties to travel with new people and save money!

The shared-economy is a pretty huge topic globally. In Malaysia, it is still picking up. And I hope to make a huge positive dent in the mindset of Malaysians. If people are ready to welcome strangers in their home, why not in their car?

My role is to wear multiple hats in order to grow Tripda to be the #1 in Malaysia, #1 in Singapore and, why not, #1 in SEA.

The Pivot #

The Moment that I got the job. I also inherited from another responsibility to which I am already accustomed, that is, recruiting talents. I am now looking for entrepreneurial and out-going individuals who can speak Cantonese, Malay and Mandarin. Of course, English is a must. Drop me an email at

My Secret Recipe #

I am glad to share my Secret Recipe with you guys and it is pretty simple but it’s all about execution.

1. Surround Yourselves with Great People #

2. Surround Yourselves with Genuinely Great People who want you to succeed. #

3. Be Ready to Defy Yourselves #

4. Don’t Hesitate to Ask for Help #

5. Some People are A*H**S - Nothing that you can do about it. Ignore them. #

6. If you are lost, find multiple “North Stars” to guide you - Those are parents, smart friends, mentors. #

7. If you are just reluctant, scared or uncertain - basically, overthinking - there is no single remedy but here is mine: Find one shit that you wanna do, just do it until you succeed (or fail). #

Last but not least,

8. Join AIESEC to develop the Global Leader in YOU! #

Thanks to all those who helped me.


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