How I Saved $1,200 in Conference Tickets?

This is a post to share my views on being a hustler. And hopefully, good hints for you to get started

I consider myself as a generalist - knowledgeable across multiple business horizontal - from business development, marketing to finance & accounting. Yet, I’ve been eager to get my hands on the “holy grail” which is to find the one area in which I could dive in and become a real expert.

I admit. I found it. And I am moving forward.

Yet, the excitement of being able to hustle draws me away from focusing on becoming a specialist. It is neither good or bad. I will keep the journey of identifying and choosing my specialties for another blog post.

Back to how I got $ 1,200 in conference tickets for FREE.

Hustle…A LOT!


Stalk people and that’s what social media are for. I am not talking about knowing where your Facebook friends’ are eating or who is attending Russell Peter’s show in Malaysia - I am just saying that you need to google your way to results by constantly be reading about other people.


Find out what you want. I could go on and on about this….
Keep it simple. I want to attend this conference, I want to meet this person from that company. That’s it. You now know roughly what you want.


The previous two steps must have been completed.
ASK for it
Through my research and intensive stalking, I found that the organizer of a conference happened to know one business partner of mine. And I asked, hence I got.


Yes, STEP 3 sounds so stupid. What if you don’t have any contact in common?
Yes. Do More With What You Have, And Can!

Every conference is people-intensive. Henceforth, the cost of hiring an event company or a people marketing company can be really really high.

Be a helper.
As simple as that.

Here you go. Attend a conference. Hustle your way. Expand your network. Listen to amazing people and become more amazing than them.


Now read this

In 2014, I learnt those 3 lessons about life, myself and…

Understanding oneself is probably hard. Acknowledging what is right and what is less right is probably harder. This, however, is essential to growth. As a growth oriented individual - whether it is personally or professionally - I had a... Continue →