Youth. Must-Have. Funds.

The 3 “Funds” that Every Young People “Must-Have” #

This short article will capture the essence of my thoughts on each funds.

Retirement Fund #


A retirement or pension fund is basically, in this article’s context, a lump sum which will come to maturity after a certain amount of years. Usually & ideally, it will come to maturity after months/years after you stop working.

It is important for many reasons and again, in this context is about having a fair amount of money for you to live on until your time is right. Obviously, you will sooner or later stop working and face a reduction/complete cut from a regular income. Plus, you can’t always rely on the government.

If you are still a university student or just graduating, it is NOW the best time to start putting money aside for your retirement.

Travel Fund #


You may call it vacation fund or graduation trip fund or get-away fund. That’s completely up to you. Young people should invest, by putting money aside, into a travel fund because…you are young and your youth should be filled with experiences.

Travelling is part of growing up.

See Save. Travel. Iterate.

Network Fund #


By network, I mean who do you know.

Young people should meet as many people as they can when they are young. It helps a lot, just like travelling.

Networking when young is about growing across various axes.

Whether it is professionally or personally, meeting other people is essential. It serves many purposes from your emotional development because you are interacting with similar/different people to your professional development because you are creating new opportunities for yourself, for your network and for people outside of your network.

The purposes of a network fund and how to build one?

See Network-Fund. Have. One.

Having those 3 funds are a must-have. #

Have you started yet?


Now read this

Network Fund. Have. One.

Meeting New People # Regardless of your location, do make it a must to meet new people on a regular basis. In my current city, I do so once to twice a month which is not recommended. When I was living in Asia (Hong Kong and Singapore),... Continue →