Lack of Opportunity is an Opportunity in Itself

3 Facts We All Know About #

Life is non-linear, ups and downs.

Nothing comes easy, no pain no gain.

Everyone is unique, DNA proves it.


3 Key Lessons from My Personal Experience. #

Lesson #1
If life is non-linear, it means each and every one of us can find an open door at any point in life.

Months ago, I was in a transition from developed to developing country. I just ended my contract in Hong Kong where it is believed that opportunities abound (true by the way). Landing at home in Mauritius, I faced a sudden reverse cultural shock which led to a “virtual paralysis” and prevented me from seeing the world clearly.

I’ve learnt to make peace with my environment. And it is a mind-game.

Lesson #2
No pain no gain.

In Malaysia, I spent countless hours working on leadership development. And always, starting with myself. From joining student organizations to volunteering as a campus tour guide, I tried it all. I was constantly putting myself in situations where I was spending a lot of energy and finding, at that moment, very little reward.

In Hong Kong, I spent countless hours reading books and articles.

Being knowledgeable helps you to forge a key.

Lesson 3
Everyone is unique.

Focus #

on who you are,

on what you are good at,

on what you have to do,

on what you want to get out of the things you do.

on finding out the reasons you want or need to do what you’re doing.

5 minutes of self-reflection will open yourself to your mind & soul in the long-term.

All lessons together,

In my current employment and rocket career, I am one of the rare staff without a master degree. In itself, this helps me to stand out from the crowd.
Though it has absolutely no relationship with my qualification and experience, I am a junior staff and all the menial tasks are dumped into my todos.

In itself, this is amazing opportunity to
(a) getting to know all the staffs & their working style;
(b) letting all the staffs know about my working style;
© proving to all the staffs my real worth.

Find your opportunity when it seems impossible.

A lot of great leaders and companies have thrived and have arisen from almost nothing.

You can do it too in your very own way through your very own opportunities.


Now read this

In 2014, I learnt those 3 lessons about life, myself and…

Understanding oneself is probably hard. Acknowledging what is right and what is less right is probably harder. This, however, is essential to growth. As a growth oriented individual - whether it is personally or professionally - I had a... Continue →