Can You Live Without a Car?

YES, You CAN! #

Live in a city like Singapore #

Ranked #2 by Jalopnik for having a great public transportation system.

And Hong Kong is another great city with amazingly good public transporation city.

Buy a bike (or motorcycle) #

As easy as it sounds, get yourself a bike. It is so simple.

And if you don’t know how to cycle. Watch this Video

And get out there to practice!

Carpool #

Nowadays, there are surely a lot of mobile/web apps to allow you to do so.

Try Tripda, which is a free peer to peer carpooling marketplace. Tripda thrives to allow travelers to save cost, reduce their carbon footprint and make new friends.

Taxi or Uber/Lyft #

Haha, pay more. That’s up to you and if you really need a ride right away.

Walking #

Last but not least, walking is a healthy way to make it from X to Y.

So, Do you REALLY NEED a car? #

I don’t need at the moment. Perhaps, you don’t too.


Now read this

4 Lessons to share. Flea Market. Other Side Of The Table.

Today (Sunday), I went to the Flea Market in Porto. While it was not my first flea market, it certainly was my first in Portugal. And until today, I had never been on the other side of the table! The picture below taken of my first flea... Continue →